Do you ever struggle with your faith? Do you sometimes wonder if you truly are a Christian Coach or just fooling yourself? Well, you are not alone and I understand because I’ve thought the same thing. Don’t be afraid however, to look into the mirror of Hebrews 11 and examine your faith. You don’t need to do that fearfully, anxious at what you’ll see. You don’t need to deny the reality of your spiritual struggle or act as if you’re something that you’re not. You don’t have to fear exposure, because your struggle of faith has been more than adequately addressed by the grace of the cross of the Lord Jesus. Run to him and confess the off-and-on-again faith of your heart. He will not turn you away!
If you are looking to grow in your faith and connect with other coaches. Goto and join our coaches time-out. Sign up for the institute this summer and collaborate with coaches just like you!