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“Dude, I’m in the Book of John and it’s blowing my mind…”

joshuamills • April 12, 2023

A few months ago, through FCA, I had the privilege of meeting Joey, an athlete at a local college. Joey is one legit dude – a guy who is crazy talented at basketball, has the size to play D1, and is a kid of good character. His life was different than mine growing up. I’m sitting at days shy of 40, and he just landed on year 19. His upbringing wasn’t the same, but we both were taught about Jesus at an early age. We both thought we had it figured out. We were both just off the mark.

I am thankful that God tugged on my heart years ago in my early 20s. For years, I spent my time being religious, I suppose… I can remember reading my Bible at night, “saying my prayers”, and going to church literally every time the doors were open it seemed. My parents were on every committee they could find I think, and I was volun-told for a lot of things lol. I felt like I had it figured out… until I realized I didn’t.

One night I heard a pastor say the word “relationship” and everything changed. All of the sudden, what seemed far-fetched just seemed to click. I’d be a liar if I said it was an instant change in my life – but it started me on a journey of knowing what it meant to “ follow Jesus “. I’m a work in progress, and I love inviting others to run the marathon beside me. With FCA, I’ve been able to do just that.

College kids are some of my favorite people. One day they live at home and a parent cooks and cleans for them. They get gas money. They have curfews (if they’re lucky). Then late that summer they embark on a new journey. No parents to tell them what to do. No curfew. No filter. Nobody to hold their hand and “drag them to church” on Sundays. All of the sudden they experience a freedom like they’ve never had. They can make adult choices, while not quite living as adults. And it hits them… “Now what do I do? What do I believe?”

That’s where it gets fun. There are questions galore. There are opportunities to show grace. There are opportunities to speak life and truth. There is a relationship with Christ to explore… and I’m grateful that FCA has provided these opportunities.

Back to Joey.

Joey shows up one night at our inaugural FCA huddle on campus. He’s quiet… sits with his teammates, and listens. As they all scarf down some pancakes fresh off the press, one student athlete shares his testimony. Nolan, or “No-No” as I’ve called him since he was a toddler, doesn’t hold back. He’s an old-soul and just loves Jesus, his family, baseball and his teammates. Nolan is bold in sharing his faith that night and what it means to truly follow Jesus… to explore a relationship with Him.

After huddle, Joey walks up and introduces himself. We talk for a minute, I share my cell number and tell him to yell if he ever needs anything. Ten minutes later he shoots me a text, “Hey what’s up Josh, could we meet sometime this week?” So we did. We talked life, the Bible, baptism, family, hoops, campus life – all of it. He left with a Bible study plan, a goal to make the most of it, and I left encouraged and challenged myself.

He texted me the next week to show me his Bible study notes. I felt like I had to pick up the slack in my own life. What a challenge!

Fast-forward a month to the next huddle and Joey runs up to me and says “Dude, I’m in the Book of John and it’s blowing my mind!” That. That right there is what is missing from a whole lot of our lives. The relationship Jesus offers all of us is available at all times – through prayer – through His Word – through discipleship with others.

Joey and I are working up a plan to connect again soon. We’ll talk about Jesus, basketball and his family. Then we’ll connect again and do the same. And again. Then Joey will take this message back across the continent and replicate it with someone else. And the Gospel spreads. “To lead every coach and every athlete into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ and His Church.” This is how it starts. Show up. Talk about relationship. Encourage. Check in. Then do it again.

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FCA of Southeast Missouri

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